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Transition to Adult services

Transition is a process not an event & should be planned carefully around the age of 14yrs.

Transition will occur in Health, Social Care and Education at around the same time, and meeting, working and planning together will strengthen the planning process considerably.

The Transition pathway from Together for short lives (see references) supports this process. The ‘Transition Health Plan’ found in the Department of Health document “Transition moving on well” may also be a useful tool and document for assessing where the gaps may be.

Be aware that Palliative Care Services provided to adults (particularly Specialist Palliative Care) can be very different in terms of structure, function and eligibility criteria compared to Paediatric palliative care services.

Find out what is available in the patients locality before approaching the family. Shared care (between adult and paediatric services) is sometimes helpful and positive during the final months of transition.

This period is often difficult and unsettling for the patient and family, so be open, available and manage the families expectations carefully.

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