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General measures

  • Children with terminal illnesses have skin that is susceptible to breakdown and has poor healing abilities
  • Prevention is better than cure
  • Good nursing care is required to foresee and prevent problems
  • Frequent and appropriate turning is essential to avoid pressure areas breaking down
  • Suitable mattresses and mobility aids should be employed
At risk areas
  • Protect with OpSite, Tegaderm or Cutifilm
Broken areas
  • Use DuoDerm, Spyrosorb.
  • Send swab for growth. Use IntraSite gel, Iodosorb paste covered with OpSite, or Tegaderm ± antibiotics.
  • Pack with Kaltostat or Sorbsan.
Fungating tumours and odour
  • Use topical metronidazole gel, charcoal dressings or honey and sugar.
Painful ulcers
  • Consider anaesthetic preparations e.g. Emla cream or a topical morphine gel such as Lutrol gel. (Lutrol gel is available on request from St. Thomas’ Hospital, London and other hospital pharmacies may make this up specially).
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